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The People Who Had Small Holiday Gatherings are Part of the Problem

Did you see all the social media posts of people in denial this holiday season?

We only did a small get-together this year. 

We all wore masks and socially distanced.

We had a garage holiday.

I couldn’t tell if they really thought they were doing the right thing, or if they knew they were assholes and simply wanted to share holiday pictures. Not to mention, what they wrote usually didn’t match the pictures either. We had a small get-together and all wore masks, meanwhile there’s 30 people in the picture.

Whatever, you all suck.

Some of us have been really trying for a long time, but it seems like most people in the good old USA don’t understand the concept of self-sacrifice for the greater good. Nope, it’s an “I’ll get mine and f*ck the rest” mentality. 

For every person you invited over that does not live in your home, you took an unnecessary risk that may end up indirectly killing another person. But you’ll never know. There’s no contract tracing in this country under our abysmal leadership these past four years, so no skin off your ass, right?

These people who had small holiday gatherings are no different than the grown men and woman throwing tantrums for being forced to wear a mask in stores, or the child-like defiant old men who pull their mask down below the nose when the store employees aren’t looking.

The only difference here is you’re telling us your different, but as we’ve learned over and over from 45, just because you say it doesn’t make it true. 

We’re all in the same sinking boat. Some of us packed our life preservers, but when the ship goes down, everyone without one will be scrambling in a panic, and some of us who tried to do the right thing might still perish under the sheer ignorance and selfishness of our fellow citizens, despite our own best efforts. 

Featured Image – File:Covid-19 San Salvatore 09.jpg. (2020, December 19). Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Retrieved 04:33, December 26, 2020 from

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